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The Tools To Succeed

Quit vaping with free nicotine patches and gum. With Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), you’re three times more likely to successfully quit, so get started today and get the free tools to help you succeed.

Free Quitting Help

Customize Your Quit Plan

The best way to quit nicotine is the way that works for you. Create your custom quit plan by choosing any or all of the options available. It’s 100% free.

  • 2-week NRT (gum/patches) starter kit
  • Educational materials
  • Help through Text messaging
  • Help through Email


Quit Online

Double your chances of quitting, talk to a quit coach today.

  • 100% Free
  • Available 24/7
  • Track your progress
  • Connect with an online community
  • Up to 12 weeks of free NRT (gum/patches) for those 18+


Quit by Phone

Double your chances of quitting, talk to a quit coach today.

  • 100% Free
  • Available 24/7
  • Up to 5 calls with a coach
  • Up to 12 weeks of free NRT (gum/patches) for those 18+


Talk to Your Doctor

Working with your healthcare providers make quitting 2-3X more likely. During your next appointment, consider asking these questions:

  • Is medication right for me?
  • How do I use patches/gum/lozenges?
  • What are the possible side effects?
  • How can I change my lifestyle to make my quit successful?
  • How can friends and family help?
  • How often should we discuss my progress?

Managing Withdrawal with NRT

Triple your chances of quitting for good.

Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), like nicotine patches and gum, triples your chances of successfully quitting. Quitting nicotine is hard on the body. Dealing with cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms make it difficult for any vaper. NRT works by reducing withdrawal feelings by giving you a small, carefully controlled amount of nicotine. It will help reduce your urge to vape.

Free Quitting Help

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about these tools:

Patch Gum Lozenge Nasal Spray Inhaler

Bupropion SR (Wellbutrin® or Zyban®) Varenicline (Chantix®)

My Life My Quit

Quitting Help for Teens

My Life, My Quit is a free and confidential way to help teens quit smoking or vaping. Text “Start My Quit” to 36072 or visit their site to chat with a Coach. It’s your life and they’re here to help you live it your way.

  • Free, confidential help to quit nicotine for those under 18
  • Support over phone, text, or online chat
  • Education and support designed for teens
  • Five individual coaching sessions

Get Started Here

Text “Start My Quit” to 36072

Call 855.891.9989

Visit »

Quit Methods

There’s no right or wrong way to quit; there’s just your way. These successful quit methods may be a good resource to help you quit.

Method 1: Set a Quit Date

Step 1

Set a quit date.

Step 2

Reduce the times you vape daily or weekly.

Step 3

Continue reducing use until you stop using on or before your quit date.

Benefits: A quit date helps with nicotine withdrawal by slowly weaning your body from its addiction.

Drawbacks: This requires tracking your use. High-stress events may cause you to use up your supply before the end of the day or week, increasing chances of withdrawal symptoms.

Method 2: Set Location Limits

Step 1

Make a list of all the places you vape.

Step 2

Each day or week, make one area on the list off limits.

Step 3

When all the places on your list are off limits, you’ll be vape-free.

Benefits: This doesn’t require tracking your use and it weans you from your addiction.

Drawbacks: Some places on your list may be hard to avoid. It may be tempting to vape in some of these places after you’ve made them off limits.

Method 3: Set a Stopwatch Quit

Step 1

Each day, set an amount of time that you have to wait between a craving and actually vaping.

Step 2

Increase the amount of time every day.

Step 3

Continue until you are able let the cravings pass without vaping.

Benefits: This doesn’t require counting how much you vape.

Drawbacks: You have to be committed, especially in high-stress situations.

Method 4: Set a Cold Turkey

Step 1

Set a quit date and don’t vape after that date.

Benefits: You get through the withdrawal period sooner. You don’t have to worry about keeping track of how much you vape.

Drawbacks: The thought of going without vaping can keep people from trying to quit.

Method 5: Use a Combination

Step 1

Select two or more Quit Methods already described to make a quit plan that’s tailored to you.

Benefits: You increase your chances of quitting and might find that one method works better for you.

Drawbacks: Multiple methods might be harder.

Remember the 5 D's to Help You Quit

Use the 5 D's - delay, distract, drink water, deep breaths, and discuss - to help curb your toughest cravings. Read about each method, then use our curated list of activities and resources any time you feel the need to vape.


Delay until the craving to smoke passes, which is usually only about 3-5 minutes. Ideas of things to do while you wait:

Cravings & Triggers

Social Triggers

Quitters tell us a lot about social triggers, like not going to certain bars or not spending time with certain people. Other social triggers include seeing someone vape or going to events where people vape. While it can be hard, the best way to handle these triggers is to avoid them. Ask friends and family not to vape around you and rely on your supporters.


Do you vape with your morning coffee? Every time you get in the car? These are patterns in your daily life, and when you decide to quit they can trigger a craving. Other patterns include work breaks, finishing meals and drinking alcohol. Changing these patterns can reduce your triggers and make quitting easier.

  • Try tea instead of coffee or drink it in a different location or at a different time.
  • Use sugar-free gum, mints, candy or toothpicks when you’re craving something flavored.
  • Keep something in your pocket that you can fiddle with to keep your hands busy.


Vaping is often a way people cope with emotions. Stress, boredom, loneliness, depression and happiness can all trigger cravings. Remember the 5 D’s and work to manage your craving by delaying and waiting your craving out, distracting yourself, drinking water, taking deep breaths, and discussing with your support system.

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Dangers of Vaping

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What is Vaping?

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Help Your Teen Quit

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